Course Description

Course Goals

02 Oct 2023 04 Oct 2023
8 Hours/Day
Course Details
SCB_2023 Comprehensive Test In-Person


Pedro Cabral

Associate Professor

Pedro Cabral is Associate Professor with Habilitation at NOVA IMS. He got a PhD Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France. He was a post-doc Researcher at UMR AMURE (Ifremer-UBO, Brest) where he worked in marine and terrestrial ecosystem services.

His research interests are Ecosystem Services and Geographical Information Systems. He has published in academic journals, such as Ecosystem Services, Marine Policy, Land Use Policy, Journal of Urban Planning and Development (ASCE), Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Environmental Development, Natural Hazards, Int. Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, among others. He is associate editor of the Journal of Urban Planning and Development (ASCE) since 2011. Recently, Pedro is leading projects related to Ecosystem Services (ASEBIO - funded by FCT) and open educational contents related to applied geomatics to social and environmental issues (GEONATURA - Funded by Erasmus +).

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